Publication Ethics
All articles submitted to the Journal of Health Science and Alternative Medicine are needed to declare that there were approved from Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Institutional Ethic Committee (IEC) which is considered under the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects (Seoul, 2008)
Ethics of authors
All authors should confirm that they have involve the study and ensure that they have written entirely original works. In case of the authors use the statement, words, or piece of the work of the others, it should be cited and referred properly. All articles will be checked the plagiarism by a proper software. The journal serves the rights to reject the article that having a problem of plagiarism and shall inform the authors immediately. Information of all financial supports for the research including any conflicts of interest should be clearly stated in the last section of the article.
Ethics of reviewers
Reviewers should respect the confidentiality of the review process. All information or ideas regarding the article reviewed should not refer or share with the third party or not use for personal advantage. If the reviewer has any conflict of interest in any aspects relevant to the article after receiving the invitation, he or she should inform the editors and decline the review. Reviewer should use their personal expert in the field to consider the quality of article. Personal opinions without backing evidence should not be used for making decision.
Ethics of editors
All submitted articles will be evaluated the quality by double blind method. Editors will find the suitable reviewers in an article. All comments and suggestion from the reviewers including the decision of editor will be confidentially sent to corresponding author(s). Editor(s) who have any conflict of interest to the submitted articles should be clarified themselves and should not involve the whole process of assess and evaluation of article. All decisions made by editor (s) must based on the comments or suggestions of the reviewers. Editor’s opinion could be used for making decision but must based on their scientific principles.
Publication decisions
The journal accepts only original work which never been published or is not being considered by another journal. The submitted paper to the journal is also not expected to submit elsewhere unless clearly inform to the editor officially by email.
The journal editors keep the rights to make decision for all submitted articles in any step of the process of review.
At the beginning step after submission, all articles will be screened using a proper software. Those articles which will be presented of 20% or higher percentages of similarly will be considered as serious problem. The journal will contact the corresponding author for explanation. Unsatisfactory explanation will be rejected from the journal. Furthermore, all the authors’ institutions will be contacted to explain the retraction and inform the expected future behaviors.